A city by day or a City by night ?

Do you prefer a city by day? or city by night?

We all make always our own special choices…
One day, you start looking pictures and getting information about a wonderful city…. and immediately you begin to feel a deep interest to see it in real.
So you go to that place.

Well you get 2 options.   Making a  visit  by day , or a visit by night?
What do you prefer?

I start with the city by night…. going to the city in a car, and get flashed and impressed for the wonderful  illumination of the city….! Oh my God, I got impressed.
It’s an architectural  jewel…. might be the . the most beautiful i’ve  ever visited…
So I might be getting the superficial  impression of this city.   … yeah ! . 🙂

Then you have the second  option.   A  city tour by day !
So you might be walking around the area, visiting every single street, every corner by detail, entering the museums, the shops. and admiring the architecture of this city.
Actually you’ll get a deep knowledge about this place.   You get the real impression… this is a magical place… a wonderful place… or simply NO,.. this is really nothing i like.

Is this similar as meeting people by day and by night?

What do you prefer?
By night , a flashy make up, dressed up to go out… uaoh you see a jewel 🙂
Conversation could be superficial, but very important… so then you see if this new contact is entering  your life or not.

But When you decide to meet the person by day,  you will get the real knowledge…Less make up, Could be casual dressed, casual behavior, relaxed conversation.

Then you could observe much more details like the skin, the eyes, the hair, the expression of the face and the body, the posture,…. do you like it or not ?

Of course the conversation will tell a lot more during the day, when the person is fresh in life ….or could be stressed for work or personal situations.
This is a most approximated impression of the reality.

Do you want to try your self…. this time be conscious of getting the details 🙂

Have you ever done a city tour?

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