Music and coincidences

Listening to this songs, repeating once and again the lyrics,

sometimes you find coincidences,

Is that music has the answers?

Maybe people already left this experiences

Today, speaking to myself, looking life running by,

music came to me, throw the stars in the sky…

coincidences ….. music and heart.

I can feel this deeply inside , what is that?

Soul mates? might the the feeling everybody gets,

when growing up, or when listening the voice inside.

Might be just coincidences, music and heart.

Fanylu – No te pido que me traigas flores, tampoco que me des bombones, yo solo quiero una caricia, que me diga que tu me quieres, que no hay mujer que más admiras

Maia – No quiero ser tu niña bonita, quiero pertenecer a tu vida, quiero causar la herida de amor, cada mañana escuchar tu corazón que se va llenando de cariño y amor

Maia – Ingenuidad no era que te diera mi vida sin medida, Ingenuidad era que creyeras que con falsas promesas y mentiras , me quedaría

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